in a human body this time

in a human body this time

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Bodies and water

I've been drinking water all day. I'm not super healthy these days, I got pretty sick in Amsterdam and have been doing everything in my power to get well.
I made it though my show there alright, but it was not fun. I've been taking it easy with my mom the last couple days. We caught the ferry over to the island right after my Homo for the Holidays show Saturday night. I packed up the zillions of small and large sparkly things as quick as I could. I just wanted to be across the water and turn into a more solidified human-type shape. Being ill is my least favorite, my asthma is killer in the cold and sadly the running outdoors has come to a halt.

This morning my mom and I scraped frost off her windshield with an Odwalla bottle and a paint stir stick. At the end of her very steep street was a girl standing on the side of the road. We were out in the middle on nowhere so I rolled my window down and asked if she wanted a ride, she did. It was like 20 degrees outside, man, that's like my worst nightmare. I hate being cold so much.
She was a sophomore that slept in an missed her bus. She told us everyone at her school was either into doing a sport or drugs. When we pulled into the high school parking lot past all the yellow school buses lined up in rows I had to try real hard to not let the nauseating memories of Southern California Public HIGH SCHOOL seep into my current day self. I seriously had to shake around and make noises to keep those feeling from creeping back in. It was horrendous the kind of armour I had to wear back then. ugh it was unbearable.

We met my moms friend for breakfast at the type of place I loathe for breakfast. As an non-egg, milk and meat eater, I ordered oatmeal, and thought about fruit an the hitchhiker.
Whenever I am confronted with high school-ness I remember how lucky I am to have survived it, I hope those kids in there know that *this* is on the other side-a life just waiting to be filled with themselves, all the parts they couldn't afford to be then, all the pieces too fragile, unique, complex, terrible, loving, talented...

On the way home from the meaty "Sporty's" experiance we noticed the water in the harbor was frozen. The sun was bright and shining down on the still water, with little boats stuck in, like tall red straws in a giant blue ICEE.

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